Creating Your NFT

In just a few straightforward steps, you’ll be able to mint your digital asset and join the world of non-fungible tokens. Follow our guide below, or watch our video tutorial for an even more intuitive walkthrough.

Step 1: Sign Up and Log In

  • If you haven’t already, sign up for an account on Quantumk9 Marketplace. Once logged in, you’re ready to embark on your NFT creation journey.
  • Head to Dashboard to Login


Step 2: Create a Collection

  • From your Dashboard click on My Collections


  • Give your collection a good name


Step 3: Create your NFT

  • Click on My NFTs tab


  • Now click on Create Digital Asset


  • Upload and fill your NFT details


1. You can use a link to a file to mint.

2. Here you can upload your file to be minted. You have a list of supported file types.

3. Select the NFT contract type. Default is NFT Collection.


4. Give your NFT a name.

5. Set your NFT Description.

6. Use this option if you would like to do a direct listing on our marketplace after creating your NFT.

7. Use this option if you want to lock the content of your NFT.

8. Click on Create NFT.